Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Awareness of Wildlife Protection

All wild animals must have food, water, and shelter in order to survive, just like humans. Pollution, poaching, and the destruction of habitats can serve as the main purpose why many animals are now on the verge of extinction. Yes, there are lot of wildlife conservation organization who were working on it. But the fact is that untill every human being are aware of these thing wildlife is always be in dangered. Humans play a tremendous role in wildlife extinction. Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are the leading factors that cause wildlife extinction to occur.Humans are causing wildlife extinction to happen a lot faster than it should.Wildlife extinction has a large impact on our world that most people are not aware of. It will take at least 5 million years for specialization to rebuild the biodiversity we are likely to destroy during this century.Biodiversity is essential to keep and protect, in order to assure an almost “healthy” planet to our children. What if one day, species would extinct more and more? Nature and our “normal life” would surely be endangered, because every kind of animal or plant has an essential role on Earth.
                      The measures to be adopted for the presentation of wildlife are educating the public about the importance of wildlife for ecological balance, maintenance of their natural habitat establishment of parks and sanctuaries, breeding wild animals in captivity, controlling pollution of air and water etc. After all we all share same planet Mother Earth care her protect her and her children. 

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