Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Awareness of Wildlife Protection

All wild animals must have food, water, and shelter in order to survive, just like humans. Pollution, poaching, and the destruction of habitats can serve as the main purpose why many animals are now on the verge of extinction. Yes, there are lot of wildlife conservation organization who were working on it. But the fact is that untill every human being are aware of these thing wildlife is always be in dangered. Humans play a tremendous role in wildlife extinction. Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are the leading factors that cause wildlife extinction to occur.Humans are causing wildlife extinction to happen a lot faster than it should.Wildlife extinction has a large impact on our world that most people are not aware of. It will take at least 5 million years for specialization to rebuild the biodiversity we are likely to destroy during this century.Biodiversity is essential to keep and protect, in order to assure an almost “healthy” planet to our children. What if one day, species would extinct more and more? Nature and our “normal life” would surely be endangered, because every kind of animal or plant has an essential role on Earth.
                      The measures to be adopted for the presentation of wildlife are educating the public about the importance of wildlife for ecological balance, maintenance of their natural habitat establishment of parks and sanctuaries, breeding wild animals in captivity, controlling pollution of air and water etc. After all we all share same planet Mother Earth care her protect her and her children. 

Wildlife Conservation

There are lots of conservation projects going on nowadays which positive step for protecting wildlife. As we all wildlife is very important for our survival wildlife balance our ecosystem so it should be protected any how. There are lots of wildlife conservation organization here are some
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
WWF work is aimed at protecting biodiversity on a global scale. The WWF works with multilateral and bilateral agencies to promote sustainable development in the world's poorest countries. Its aims are threefold—to protect natural areas and wild populations, to minimize pollution, and to promote efficient, sustainable use of natural resources.  
Natural Resources Defiance council (NRDC)
The NRDC uses the law, science, and their wide network of members and activists to protect wildlife and habitats around the globe. 
The Nature Conservancy 
Nature Conservancy works with local communities, businesses, and individuals to protect over 100 million acres of land around the world.
 These organization doing good job on their field. Lets protect our wildlife from our side.

Human Vs Wildlife

Human plays vital role for destruction of the wildlife.As the human population grows, people spread out - cities expand and previously uninhabited areas become inhabited.  As this happens the amount of land where wildlife can live in peace shrinks and clashes between humans and wildlife increase.  Additionally changing land use practices such as forests being cleared by logging (both legal and illegal) or for farming, which destroys a large amount of wildlife habitat. Hunting animals for their personal benefit is another major cause of wildlife destruction. Different animals are hunt for several purpose some for food some for poach.  elephants are poached for their tusks (Ivory), rhino's are poached for their horns, Tigers are poached for their skins or for use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many other animals are also killed illegally for various reasons.  CITES aims to reduce this problem by controlling the import or export of certain wildlife based products.
When wildlife and humans share the same environment, there is a potential for conflict to occur.
Poachers lead many animals in critically extinct position yet they are not stopped or they stop. 

Wildlife of Rainforest

The most vital habitats on the planet is the Rainforests its the world's powerhouses. Characterised by high rainfall, they only cover 6% of the Earth across the tropical regions, but they contain more than half of its plant and animal species. Fast-growing trees form a dense canopy that prevents much sunlight reaching the forest floor and discourages undergrowth. The canopy is where it's at, and it hums with an incredible diversity of life.
When we talk about the Rainforests its Amazon Rainforests Wildlife.The Amazon is home to more species of plants and animals than any other terrestrial ecosystem on the planet -- perhaps 30% of the world's species are found there. Its biodiversity is astounding: a single bush in the Amazon may have more species of ants than the entire British Isles, while a lone hectare of forest may have more than 480 species of trees. Take a look at some of these examples of the Amazon's biological richness:
  • Mammals
  • Birds
  • Reptiles
  • Amphibians
  • Fish
  • Insects                   
    The great apes—gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans—are another one of these types of endangered rainforest animals.
    Other types of endangered rainforest animals include two species of rainforest rhinoceros (the Sumatran and Javan rhinos of Indonesia and Southeast Asia), Asian elephants, and many, many species of monkeys, birds and frogs.

Wildlife in Nepal

Nepal has unique features of wildlife diversity. There are some animals and birds that are only found in Nepal such as Spinny Babbler. Wildlife tourism is also a major part of tourism in Nepal. There are many species that are protected under conservation park such as
Royal Chitwan National Park is located at Chitwan city and it is UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site
Sagarmatha National Park is located at Mount Everst and it is also a UNESCO Natural Wold Heritage Site
Others are Royal Bardia National Park and Koshi Tapu .
Tiger, Snow Leopard, Wild Elephant, Rhino, Brown Bear, Clouded Leopard, Red Panda, Gangetic Dolphin, Wolf, Giant horn-bill, Swamp deer, Wild yak, Nayan, Black buck, Pangolin, Saras Crane, Four horned antelope, Tibetan antelope, Impean Pheasant, Python, Gharial, Indian bustard, Musk deer pigmy hog, Asamese Macaque, Haspd hare these are the endangered and protected species in reserve of Nepal.
Nepal is fully blessed with full of natural wildlife.

Another nearly extinct wildlife

The Amur Leopard
  • Scientific name: Panthera pardus orientalis
  • Location: Eastern Russia
  • Population: Less than 40
Once ranging from all over Eastern Asia, the Amur leopard, or Far East Leopard, is now extinct in China and the Korean Peninsula.Poaching and human encroachment into the habitat of the Amur leopard have led to their drastic reduction in numbers. With such a small population, genetic anomalies due to inbreeding pose a further threat to the population.The leopard is rarely found in cold or high-elevation environments and is best known in its more familiar home in the savannas of Africa, where populations are relatively stable.

However, in the northernmost part of its range, a rare subspecies of this cat lives in the temperate forests and harsh winters of the Russian Far East. This is the Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis). It is also known as the Far East leopard, the Manchurian leopard or the Korean leopard. 
The Giant Panda
  • Scientific name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
  • Location: South-central China
  • Population: 1,600 as of 2004
One of the most familiar endangered species in the world, the Giant Panda spends half its day eating, and bamboo makes up 99% of their diet. While poaching is no longer considered a threat, the main threat to the Giant Panda is loss of habitat and fragmentation of their habitat due to agriculture.

Endangered Species in Australia

Endangered Species in Australia

                                      Australia is well known for the great bio diversity it covers about 10% of world’s biodiversity. There are million of unique species which are native to Australia. Out of 378 mammals more than 80% are exclusive to Australia. Out of 869 reptiles, only 96 can be found outside of Australia. International Union for the Conservation of Nature has identified that the Australia has the highest number of extinct species. Some of extinct animals and in the mouth of the extinction are:-
Greater Bilby                  
The lesser bilby has not been sighted since the 1960s, and is probably extinct. Its relative, the Greater Bibly is now endangered. Once common in central Australian desert areas, the numbers have been reduced by fire and foxes and its habitat affected by grazing cattle and rabbits.
The numbat is endangered because of habitat loss and foxes. Once common across the southern part of the continent, it is now only found in a few forests in southwest Western Australia.
Australian Sea lion
The Australian sea-lion is vulnerable. These animals were hunted to near extinction. They are the only seal or sea-lion found exclusively in Australia.
Another vulnerable marine mammal is the dugong, found grazing on sea grasses in warm shallow
water off the northern coast.

African Endangered Species

The Mountain Gorilla
  • Scientific name: Gorilla beringei beringei
  • Location: Central Africa
  • Population: 700
The sub-species of Gorilla known as the Mountain Gorilla exists in the wild in two small regions - the Virunga Volcanoes region at the borders of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. These animals are threatened by hunting and human encroachment for agriculture and timber. While eco-tourism may help to protect these small populations, there is a risk of spreading human illnesses to the animals. 
The Black Rhino
  • Scientific name: Diceros bicornis
  • Location: Southwest Africa
  • Population: 4,000
The Black Rhino was once the most numerous rhino species, ranging throughout southwestern Africa. Due to excessive hunting, the population has been reduced by over 90% in just the last 70 years.The greatest threat to the black rhino is poaching. They are hunted simply for their for horns, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine, as well as for trophies and ornamental use.Increased law enforcement and conservation programs are helping increase their numbers, but they are still considered critically endangered. 
The Bonobo Ape
  • Scientific name: Pan paniscus
  • Location: Central Africa
  • Population: 5,000 to 60,000
Bonobos are members of the Great Ape family and are found only in the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are closely related to the more familiar chimpanzee, with longer legs, shorter arms and smaller trunk. Like chimpanzees, bonobos are remarkably social, but bonobos tend to be more peaceful than chimps.The greatest threat facing bonobos, aside from the limited range of their habitat, is from poachers who kill the apes and sell them for bush meat.
                      These are mostly endangered animals in africa there are also other animals are in endangered in africa.